Tuesday, March 5, 2013

161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do in Guatemala

Welcome to our Cornell-in-Guatemala blog.  Since the Catholic Community began sponsoring Spring Break Service Trips to San Lucas Toliman Mission we've wanted some on-going way to pool our memories and share our stories.  Nearly 100 Cornellians and their friends have made this life-changing journey since 2005.  Each year one or two return for a second visit.  Some have even joined the long-term volunteer staff at San Lucas.

All of you who have traveled with the Cornell Catholic Community can contribute to this blog.  In fact, I strongly encourage you to submit your memories and stories and a few well chosen pictures to Joe at jem479@cornell.edu.  

In an effort to 'get the ball rolling' I'd like to suggest we also follow the example of the Cornell Sun and construct our own list of 161 Things to see and do in Guatemala.  You might find something interesting in the list that you didn't do on your first trip.  A great reason to make another visit!

Here are my first contributions:

1.  Experience a full week without being attached to a cell-phone, an iPad, an iPod, or a computer. 
2.  Think in 'quetzals' rather than dollars.
3.  Ride in the back end of an open-bed truck to a work site.
4.  Pray at the site of the martyrdom of Father Stan Rother in Santiago.
5.  Take a ride on a tuk-tuk.
6.  Find a shop that sells 'pastel de tres leches' and try some.
7.  Teach 'las niñas' how to 'saltar a la cuerda' (jump rope) 
8.  Visit the CFCA office and meet Fr. John Goggin 
9.  Let 'los niños' show you how to 'dar unos toques' (kick a soccer ball around) 
10.  Find the final resting place of Msgr. Gregory Schaffer.

We encourage you to add your contributions to our comments section!

Sincerely ---

Fr. Daniel McMullin 


  1. Laura Stamp (Class of 2012)March 8, 2013 at 6:40 PM

    11- Bring bubbles or chalk for the children
    12- be ready to have your butt whipped in football (soccer )
    13- exercise your mouth since you will be smiling nonstop

    hello all! Miss you!

  2. Mark Hendrick (Class of 2012)March 8, 2013 at 6:50 PM

    14- Tell "Dame Cinco" to every kid you see.
    15- Work on your balance for epic truck bed surfing.
    16- Drink Coca Cola from a bottle and taste the difference from the real sugar.
    17- Attempt to carry another person in a sling on your back like the Guatemalan children and Mothers do.
    18- Hike a mountain with one of the long term volunteers.
    19- Play "Down by the Hanky Panky" and "Mafia" with the other people on the trip.
    20- Play car games for a very long time as you drive in an unconditioned cramped van waiting in anticipation to finally arrive at San Lucas.
    21- Change Lives

  3. Ahhh so many good memories! :-)

    22. Meet Marie
    23. Have oatmeal with black beans for breakfast
    24. Give a kid (or twelve) a piggy-back-ride
    25. Make--and eat--tortillas
    26. Become a pro at haggling with the vendors
    27. Split bricks with a machete
    28. Adjust your world view, learn to appreciate your life more deeply, and get a lesson in true happiness.

    I can't wait to hear all the new stories! I will be praying for you guys!

